Do you have a dream, a goal, a vision for your life, but you’re not sure how to make it real?
Soul Agreement Activation:
Some of the most important relationships or partnerships have been determined before we enter into this lifetime. Within the Akashic Records, there is an opportunity for us to activate that agreement. Because the Akashic Records are all about the fluid moments of energy, it means that we can activate and call-in, if you will, your beloved soul partner, a new career, specific clients, more money, groups of people, a job interview, so on and so on. This agreement could be about a relationship, friendships, participants for a class, a new job, or a project. By activating a soul agreement we are calling forth the individual or groups of people to let them know or signal that you are ready to achieve your dreams. This process is enlightening and beautiful and will effectively activate what is supposed to be yours for this lifetime.
Calling in the Beloved (*2-3 sessions needed):
This is one of the more popular uses for accessing the Akashic Records. It’s natural to want to know if you are in the right relationship or if you are ever going to find the “one”. Calling in the beloved is just that, we are calling in your beloved, the one you’ve made a soul agreement with, to be joined together. This process prepares you to be completely ready to encounter your chosen life partner by clearing old patterns and releasing karmic energy that may be interfering. You can cut the energetic cord from past relationships you just can’t seem to let go, or reclaim the loving energy that may still be with an old flame. *This process is special and takes 2-3 sessions to complete.

**Please note: when working in the Akashic Records we are not engaging in Psychotherapy.